Ukraine allowed to strike inside Russia, France’s Emmanuel Macron and Germany’s Olaf Scholz say


Ukraine allowed to strike inside Russia, France’s Emmanuel Macron and Germany’s Olaf Scholz say

  • The leaders said the targets should be limited to military sites, not civilian areas
  • Russia's Vladimir Putin warns West that such action could trigger a global conflict

France and Germany's leaders said on Tuesday that Ukraine should be allowed to hit military sites inside Russia from which missiles were being fired at Ukrainian territory, but not other targets.

Russian President Vladimir Putin warned the West earlier in the day that Nato members in Europe were playing with fire by proposing to let Ukraine use Western-supplied weapons to strike inside Russia, which he said could trigger a global conflict.

"We support Ukraine and we don't want escalation, that hasn't changed," French President Emmanuel Macron said at a joint news conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Meseberg, Germany.

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"We think we should allow them to neutralise military sites from which missiles are fired, military sites from which Ukraine is attacked, but we shouldn't allow them to hit other targets in Russia and civilian or other military sites in Russia."

Scholz said he agreed with Macron and that as long as Ukraine respected the conditions given by countries that supplied the weapons, including the United States, and international law, it was allowed to defend itself.

"Ukraine has every possibility under international law for what it is doing. That has to be said explicitly," Scholz said.

"I find it strange when some people argue that it should not be allowed to defend itself and take measures that are suitable for this."

Over two years into the deadliest land war in Europe since World War II, as the West considers what to do about Russian military advances in Ukraine, Putin is increasingly evoking the risk of a global war, while Western leaders play it down.

Nato Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told The Economist that alliance members should let Ukraine strike deep into Russia with Western weapons, a view supported by some European members of the transatlantic alliance though not the United States.

In Germany too, there is some resistance to the idea, with fears of an escalation into a wider conflict likely to play a role in coming local and state elections in the formerly communist east of the country.

Scholz has refused to provide Kyiv with Germany's long-range Taurus missiles, which could potentially reach Moscow.

This news story highlights the ongoing tensions and strategic considerations in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, with significant implications for global stability. Here are some key points and analysis based on the provided text:

### Key Points:

1. **Western Leaders' Stance**:

   - **France and Germany**: French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz expressed support for Ukraine's right to strike military sites within Russia that are launching attacks on Ukrainian territory. They emphasized that these strikes should be limited to military targets to avoid escalation.

   - **NATO's Position**: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg suggested that alliance members should permit Ukraine to strike deep into Russian territory using Western-supplied weapons. This stance is supported by some European NATO members but not by the United States.

2. **Russia's Response**:

   - **Vladimir Putin's Warning**: Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that allowing Ukraine to use Western weapons to strike inside Russia could provoke a global conflict. He accused NATO members in Europe of "playing with fire."

3. **Concerns Over Escalation**:

   - Macron and Scholz reiterated their support for Ukraine's right to self-defense but stressed the importance of preventing an escalation that could lead to a broader conflict. Scholz also emphasized that Ukraine's actions must comply with international law.

4. **Domestic Implications in Germany**:

   - There is some resistance within Germany to escalating the conflict, partly due to concerns about the potential for a wider war and its impact on local and state elections, particularly in the formerly communist eastern regions of the country.

5. **Military Aid Limitations**:

   - Germany has declined to provide Kyiv with long-range Taurus missiles, which could reach Moscow, reflecting its cautious approach to avoid further escalation.

### Analysis:

- **Strategic Balance**: The stance of France and Germany illustrates a delicate balance between supporting Ukraine's defense and avoiding actions that could lead to a direct confrontation with Russia. By limiting the scope of permissible strikes to military targets, they aim to minimize the risk of escalating the conflict into a wider war.


- **Global Conflict Risks**: Putin's warnings highlight the potential for the Ukraine conflict to expand into a broader global confrontation, especially if Western countries provide Ukraine with the capability to strike deep into Russian territory. This rhetoric is likely aimed at deterring further Western support for Ukraine's offensive capabilities.

- **NATO's Internal Divisions**: The differing views within NATO on how far to support Ukraine's military actions reflect broader strategic disagreements. While some European members advocate for more robust support, others, including the United States, are more cautious about the risks of escalation.

- **Domestic Political Factors**: In Germany, domestic politics play a role in shaping foreign policy decisions. The reluctance to provide long-range missiles may be influenced by public opinion and electoral considerations, particularly in regions with historical ties to Russia.

### Conclusion:

The situation remains highly volatile, with significant implications for regional and global security. The cautious approach by France and Germany aims to support Ukraine while avoiding steps that could trigger a larger conflict, reflecting the complex interplay of strategic, legal, and political factors in the ongoing war.

не сможет перерасти в более широкую глобальную конфронтацию, особенно если западные страны предоставят Украине возможность нанести удар вглубь территории России. Эта риторика, вероятно, направлена ​​на сдерживание дальнейшей поддержки Западом наступательных возможностей Украины.

- **Внутренние разногласия в НАТО**: различные взгляды внутри НАТО на то, насколько далеко следует поддерживать военные действия Украины, отражают более широкие стратегические разногласия. В то время как некоторые европейские члены выступают за более мощную поддержку, другие, включая Соединенные Штаты, более осторожны в отношении рисков эскалации.

- **Внутриполитические факторы**: В Германии внутренняя политика играет роль в формировании внешнеполитических решений. На нежелание предоставлять ракеты большой дальности могут влиять общественное мнение и электоральные соображения, особенно в регионах, исторически связанных с Россией.

### Заключение:

Ситуация остается крайне нестабильной, что имеет серьезные последствия для региональной и глобальной безопасности. Осторожный подход Франции и Германии направлен на поддержку Украины, избегая при этом шагов, которые могут спровоцировать более крупный конфликт, отражая сложное взаимодействие стратегических, правовых и политических факторов в продолжающейся войне.


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